Friday 15 March 2013

The #1 Strategy for Explosive Growth In Your Business ? Product ...

I?m sure you?ve heard of tennis greats Boris Becker, John McEnroe and Roger Federer?

But what about Will Hamilton?

Will is actually a tennis ?star? of a different kind. You see, Will is one of the most popular online tennis instructors in the world today.

Like most things in life, it didn?t start out that way. In fact, the transformation he?s made in his business over the past couple years has been nothing short of amazing. That?s why he?s a great example for those who are just getting started with building an online business.

About two-and-a-half years ago, Will went through Jeff?s Product Launch Formula program. At the time, he had a product that had already been on the market for a year with only mediocre sales.

After going through the program, he did his first launch in July 2010 and did $35,000 in sales in a week. Then in September 2010 he did a relaunch for that same product that did $65,000. Then in December of that same year, he launched a new product that did $105,000 in sales, and then another in March of the following year that did $170,000 in sales.

In short, he took a struggling business from mediocre sales to $375,000 in sales in only nine months.

Now I don?t tell you this to brag about Product Launch Formula. I tell you this because underscoring Will?s success was the powerful concept I?m about to reveal to you right now.

This strategy is a bit advanced, and you may not completely grasp it right away? but it has the power to transform your business from slow and steady growth to exponential growth in the blink of an eye. So it?s important to grasp and keep in the back of your mind as you grow your business.

Here?s the thing? launches are cool, because you use them to build momentum from launch to launch. In the early stages?

- You attract prospects by word of mouth?

- You build your skills?

- You build your positioning in the market?

- You build your list?

- You train your list on how to respond to your launch, and how to respond to your deadlines (especially, if you hold them to those deadlines)?

-You build goodwill and raving fans, because you?re in a conversation with them, and you?re delivering great products.

The stacking of launches, one after another, is just amazing? how they just get bigger and bigger and bigger. But underlying all of this is a powerful strategy that Jeff calls the Circle of Awesome.

Here?s the strategy in a nutshell?

First, you typically start off with a Seed Launch

If you have a relatively small list (30-100 names), no list, or a new product idea that you would like to test before actually creating the product, then starting off with a seed launch is ideal.

This allows you to increase your chances for success, minimize your risk, and slowly begin to build your list.

Second, the Seed Launch then leads to an internal launch

This is where you launch to your own growing list of people. Generally, the internal launch is all about the conversation? you?re learning how to sell the product, and you?re often creating the product or finding ways to make the product better.

During the internal launch, you?ll naturally build your list, but you?ll also pull in joint venture partners. Generally, other online business owners in your market are going to be on your list, they?re going to see what you?re doing, and you will attract them as partners to sell your own products for you.

Third, the internal launch leads into a joint venture launch

At this point, you?ve built the product? you?ve figured out how to sell it? you?ve attracted partners? so now you do your joint venture (or JV) launch. All of a sudden, you?ve got all of these JVs out there? they have all of these different lists? and they?re driving traffic into your JV launch.

So your list naturally gets way bigger, and you start getting tons of feedback from your market.

They?re not only telling you how to make your current product better, they?re telling you what your next product should be? so you do an internal launch for that next product with a much bigger list.

So maybe you start off with 1,000 people on your list. Through this process, you build that list up to 2,000 or more people. But now you?ve attracted some JV partners, so you do this big launch with them and you add 20,000 to your list. Now you?re coming into the next internal launch with this list of 22,000.

You put together another internal launch for that next product and all of a sudden you?re starting this whole cycle all over with a new product with 22,000 and a whole bunch more money, and a whole bunch more partners.

So your next internal launch is 20 times bigger than your first internal launch. And then you come back around with that second product for another JV launch, all the while building your list even more.

That?s the Circle of Awesome and that?s how you can quickly spiral your business up in a big way!

Paul Maxey
The Jeff Walker Team


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